Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Naskah Dialog

English Task Narrative
Group “Crying Stone”

 By :
Mia Sri Mulyani  As Mom
Helen Aldila As Darmi
Dinda Permatasari  As Sari
Nadia Ch As Ratna
       XI Social 1

Pemerintah Kota Sukabumi , Dinas Pendidikan
SMA Negeri 3 Sukabumi
Jalan Ciaul baru No. 21 Kota Sukabumi – 43116 Telp. (0266) 221453

Once upon a time, there is an arrogant girl, she lived with his mother. she is so arrogant that she did not recognize her mother to her friends. and finally his mother was cursed her  into stone.
Darmi looked at her face in the mirror that hung on her wall.
Darmi              : "Ah I'm beautiful," she said.  "More appropriate for me to stay in the palace of  the king rather than the decrepit shack like this."
Darmi             : "Mom, let's give the money to me!
Mom               : “yesterday I was gave the money to you , dear .
Tomorrow there will be a party in the village, I have to go with the clothes.
Darmi              : “i've Worn all my clothes, "she said.
Mom               : "dear, you just buy today's new clothes. Wear those. Moreover mom just enough  money to eat us two days , "
said her mother pleaded.
Darmi              : " mother just made it your business to make money again. Today it's the clothes I wear are, shame wear it-that again. Later what people say !?! Come on let's give the money now! "
Darmi said sarcastically.

The mother was forced to give the money asked her  daughter. she was very fond of the child's only child.
So, everyday  the mother is getting old and suffering. While Darmi endowed with a beautiful face increasingly wasteful. She only spend the money to buy nice clothes, cosmetic tools are expensive and going to parties to show off her beauty.

One day Darmi asked her mother to buy her powder on the market. But her mother did not know what the powder is.

Darmi              : "Why do you come to the capital markets, so you can choose your own," she said.
mom               :"Well if you're embarrassed to walk with me. Mom would walk behind you, "his mother said sadly.
Darmi              :"Well, mother promise ya! During the trip the mother should not be walking beside me and not talk to me! "He said.

Her mother just looked at her sadly and said yes.

Eventually they go to the market. Very odd looks. Darmi looks very pretty with her pink dress that looks expensive and behind her . her mother who had stooped to wear shabby clothes full of fillings. On the way Darmi meet with friends from a neighboring village who greeted him.

Ratna               : "Hi Darmi, where are you going?" Called her.
Darmi              :" I'm going to the market girls"
said Darmi.
Sari                  : "Oh, who's grandmother who's behind you ? Your mother? "
she asked.
Darmi              : "Oh no! Not!. How could she that bad. she was just a servant, "
said Darmi quickly.
Ratna               : “Sari , she is her mother you know. She is not her servant”
Sari                  : “what ??? Darmi so evil . if I was her mother I wont forgive her”
Ratna               : “yaa , poor her mother , she was hurted-heart. 

The incident was repeated continuously throughout their journey. The longer the mother's heart getting broken. Finally she could not stand hold grief. While tears she rebuked her daughter.

Mom               : "Oh my daughter are you shamed have mother like me ? all that you recognize me as your mother? I'm a bore to the world. Is this you repay your mother who loves you? "
Darmi              :
Darmi turned and said, "Hah I did not ask to be born to poor mothers like you. I do not deserve to be the child's mother. Look at the mother's face! Ugly, wrinkled and shabby! More mothers deserve to be the servant than be my mother! "

After saying those harsh words Darmi to return to her imperious stride.
Her mother was in tears as she Darmi grief complain to God. Her face looked up at the sky and curse came out of his mouth
Mom               :  "Oh my God! Servant no longer able to contain her sadness in my heart. Please punish the rebellious slave children. Give her a justice! "

Suddenly the sky turned cloudy and lightning accompanied by thunder blazing blaring. Darmi frightened and started running toward her mother. But she felt her legs were so heavy. When she looked down she saw she legs had turned to stone, and now her calves, thighs and continue to rise to the top. Darmi fear, she cried out for help to her mother. But she just looked at her with tears loose.
Darmi              : "mom , please forgive me ! . I'm sorry to hurt you . I'm sorry mom! Help me ... " she shouted.
Darmi’s mother can not bear to see her daughter become a rock, but nothing she could do. Rice has become porridge. Curse of the spoken irrevocable. Finally she could only hold her still for mercy and cried until finally lost her voice and her whole body into stone.

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